20100110 Delicious colors
Colors of love are the taste of life. To add colors to these kids, yesterday’s class I taught them about colors; both theory and practical.
When pure white light is passed through a prism, it separates into all of the visible colors. Light could be combined to form other colors. For example, red light mixed with light of yellow color creates an orange color. Some colors, such as yellow and purple, cancel each other out when mixed and result in a light of white color.
Our perception of color in the world can influence our mood. Red color will increase the appetite. Blue is pleasant and also, the color of sky and the ocean, blue is supposed as a constant in our lives. Green is growth and abundance like yielding plants. White is purity, simplicity, cleanliness, peace and humility. Black is void of light, a drop of light in it will give hope. Black is also authoritative and powerful. Like the yellow traffic light, yellow signals caution.
Photoshop uses several systems of color representation. These systems — Bitmap, Grayscale, Duotone, Indexed Color, RGB Color, CMYK Color, Lab Color and Spot Color. I explained about this to the kids.
I made some brushes for the kids and I installed that brushes in their computer. I gave them two examples of using that brushes. I asked them to paint as free as like their mind goes and choose colors as their mind likes. The kids made some nice and colorful designs.
More time I spend today on lecture. Only some kids get sufficient time for their practice in my presence. Prem Kumar did an artwork; he used the water color brush- used colors of orange, green and yellow and also he cut-out the face from his photo, applied brush stroke filter and made the artwork, which is his freedom of expression.
Manoth did a design with some paintings using green, yellow and other colors he like. He also gave plastic wrap filter with his cut-out photo, which is merged with that painting.
Yesoda painted ‘Girl of colors’, depicting her expression of joy within barriers. I was wondering their minds flow in the brush stroke and selection of colors. Deboki’s red color painting is nice which expressed open hands, open mind and open happiness.
Something they learned from me today and many things I learned from them. The kids made the Sunday with delicious colors like Sun which gives color when it touches the land with light.